Thursday, August 16, 2012


Posted at 8:32 PM by Unknown
FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS SORBETExcept fun, food photographer is a challenging profession. Because not easy to make food look attractive taste when taken of the camera. If you are interested in the profession, there is 10 tips to make your food look more delicious snap and spoil the eye, as I would write in this article.

10 Food Photography Tips

1. Choose a contrasting background
Make sure the food and the background color have a good contrasts. For example, do not place the strawberries in the bowl that makes the red color of strawberries is not visible. To be safe, choose a plain white background.

2. Set the white balance
Set the white balance on the camera when you are ready to take pictures of food. Meat, should be photographed in a warm atmosphere. Instead, the meat will look pale if you use a light bluish glow.

3. Natural lighting
Consider taking pictures is not far from the window menu, while shooting during the day. Natural lighting always managed to make food look attractive.

4. Tripod
Most food photography done in the room, which we know the minimal lighting. To prevent the camera moving or rocking position, use a tripod.

5. Small details
Do not underestimate the small details. Make sure you use a tablecloth or place mat clean so that your photos are perfect.

6. Take a picture from the near
Rather than merely taking pictures of food from the plate, why not try to take pictures of food from nearby? Up close, you can show texture and detail to better food, making it more tempting.

7. Cut, cut, and cut
With food, you can do anything to make images look better. Do not forget to cut out the center of the cake to show the contents of the cookie in each layer.

8. From all points of view
Consider taking photos from different points of view: top, side, or bottom. Different compositions gives you the best selection of photos.

9. Property
Never be afraid to fill the picture with the property that you have. In the pancake picture, it never hurts to add a glass of orange juice with decoration on it. Or, grain pancakes meses around the photo. Make sure the property is not excessive and disturbing impression.

10. Camera Trick
If necessary, perform the trick of the camera on the food that you photograph. Use vegetable oil to make food look wet, or if you want to create the effect of mature egg with hot smoke coming out of the pieces of the egg, insert cotton that has been soaked into the microwave and photos with the eggs. Or make ice cream looks tempting from mashed potatoes

Ah, That my 10 Food Photography Tips, maybe you have another tips? You can share to me if you want

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